• Local search algorithm ↑
  • Local optimum ↑
  • Meta heuristic algorithm ↑
  • Steepest descent approach ↑
  • Fastest descent approach ↑
  • Representation scheme ↑
  • Neighbourhood operator ↑
  • Priority list representation scheme ↑
  • Priority rule representation scheme ↑
  • Random key representation scheme ↑
  • Shift vector representation scheme ↑
  • Schedule scheme representation scheme ↑
  • Unary neighbourhood operator ↑
  • Binary neighbourhood operator ↑
  • Pairwise hood interchange neighbourhood operator ↑
  • The shift neighbourhood operator ↑
  • The change neighbourhood operator ↑
  • One- point crossover operator ↑
  • Two- point crossover operator ↑
  • Uniform crossover operator ↑
  • Single solution meta-heuristic algorithms ↑
  • Population based meta- heuristic algorithms ↑
  • Evolutionary meta- heuristic algorithms ↑
  • Turing ↑
  • Evolutionary search (ES) ↑
  • Genetic algorithm (GA) ↑
  • Evolutionary programming (EP) ↑
  • Evolutionary strategy (ES) ↑
  • Genetic programming (GP) ↑
  • Swarm intelligence meta- heuristic algorithms ↑
  • Particle swarm optimization (PSO) ↑
  • Bee colony (BC) ↑
  • Ant colony optimization (ACO) ↑
  • Tabu search (TS) ↑
  • Simulated Annealing (SA) ↑
  • Guided local search (GLS) ↑
  • Iterative local search (ILS) ↑
  • Darvin ↑
  • Holland ↑
  • Natural selection ↑
  • Fitness function ↑
  • Population ↑
  • Chromosomes ↑
  • Individual ↑
  • Generation ↑
  • Crossover operator ↑
  • Mutation operator ↑
  • Selection operator ↑
  • Lee ↑
  • Kim ↑
  • Kohlmorgen ↑
  • Alcarez ↑
موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

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